of, pertaining to, or filling a low-level job in which an employee may gain experience or skills: This year's collegegraduates have a limited choice of entry-level Jobs.
But tell me, "How is it that I need experience to gain experience?" And, to take it one further, "How do you get the initial experience to further your experience?"
See? And the paradox continues...
I always thought that the point of an internship was to get that initial experience and that it becomes your foot-in-the-door. However, every advertising agency internship I was interviewed for held the same outcome, "The other candidate has more experience under their belt."
How did they get the experience? Did they know someone?....Is it an accurate assumption to make that the only reason I have not become a "chosen one" for this experience in the industry is because I have no one pulling for me on the inside?
I don't know anyone personally in the industry; I have no connections. The thing is... I know I am destined for great things. I am. Advertising is my calling and I'm passionate about it. Even better, I have more drive and determination that anyone else I know.
I am a fast learner, a great listener, and I take criticism well. I am always looking for ways to improve my work. Most of all, I'm a dedicated employee and I'm reliable. I've covered for my supervisors more times than I can count because they know I can get the job done accurately and in a professional manner. And, they know they can count on me.
Basically I need a chance to prove that my lack of experience has no correlation with my qualifications. I am a qualified and competent employee with a desire to succeed. I also write well. (Well, you read down this far and I kept your attention, right?) I'm talented and creative and I'm looking for direction.
I believe that things happen for a reason. Maybe it's not my time to shine yet. But to get my time to shine, I might need a little more experience under my belt...
Till next time,
The New Ad Grad